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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

haiku by hein monnig [2011]

she, the autumn leaves,
as thin time, golden, freezes —
sleeping life's branches


morning spring stillness;
she rests — repose in quietude:
her sapling will sprout.


winter's end is she:
a crisp coolth, thin sun and breeze —
incandescence, now.


Eyes, dark river stones —
her look: rivulets of joy.
My soul, mystified.


wind carries her voice,
hear the song of ears' delight;
music's balmy breeze


cracked mountain, seething
sending heat spigots, gushing — 
death's fountain, living.


the wind strokes the skin;
her look is as the breeze, gusting —
soothing the brow, now.

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